POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020

Poland - Russia European Union

Online training events regarding project implementation for the beneficiaries of the projects approved within the TOs „Environment” and „Accessibility” were conducted 2020-06-26, Category: Programme news

The Joint Technical Secretariat of the Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 together with the Branch Office of the JTS of the Poland-Russia Programme in Kaliningrad, conducted training events regarding project implementation for the beneficiaries of the projects approved within the Thematic Objectives: „Environment” and „Accessibility”.

During the meetings, the topic of the project management was provided, including the tasks of project partners, selection of an auditor, financial management, changes during the project. Issues related to monitoring and reporting as well as expenditure verification and public procurement were presented. Information and promotion of project activities were presented.

The training event for the Polish beneficiaries was organised on the 24th of June 2020, whereas for the Russian beneficiaries on the 25th of June 2020. A total of 73 participants took part in both events.

Documents to download:

Presentations from the training event for the Polish beneficiaries_PL (file type: pdf, size: 8,31 MB)

Presentations from the training event for the Russian beneficiaries_RU (file type: pdf, size: 4,12 MB)

Presentation on Youtube_PL

Presentation on Youtube_RU