POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
On 21-22 May 2022, a two-day event, within the project PR/1/115/2018 co-financed by the European Union under the European Neighborhood Instrument, was held in Bakałarzewo. During the meeting, the project jointly implemented by among others three communes from Poland, i.e. Puńsk (lead beneficiary), Bakałarzewo and Filipów was summarised.
On 21 May (Saturday), a conference related to the safety of road users, especially cyclists, was held at the Municipal Public Library in Bakałarzewo. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the current road traffic regulations and the rules of providing first aid to people injured in road accidents.
One day later, on 22 May 2022 (Sunday), a tour around Bakałarzewo Commune took place. During this day, participants could see road investments conducted within the support of the Programme. Moreover, numerous natural and cultural heritage sites in Bakałarzewo Commune were presented. A festival, during which there were, among others, games for children, cycling shows and concerts, was organised.