POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Please be informed that the Executive Secretariat of the Central European Initiative (CEI) has announced the call for proposals for projects within the CEI Know-How Exchange Programme (KEP) (https://www.cei.int/news/9278/cei-know -how-exchange-programme-call-for-proposals-2022-open-for-applications; https://twitter.com/CEI_Secretariat; https://www.facebook.com/CEI.Secretariat ). Detailed information and documents regarding the above mentioned competition are available here: https://application.cei.int/kep-2023/ The call for proposals is open by the 14th of July 2023.
The CEI Know-how Exchange Programme (CEI KEP) is a development instrument aimed at supporting projects and programmes focusing on the transfer of know-how and best practices from CEI countries that are EU members to those CEI countries that do not belong to the EU (https://www.cei.int /member-states). By co-financing projects in the field of capacity building and technical assistance, CEI KEP offers grants to institutions that want to share their experience with partners from non-EU CEI member states, thus helping non-EU countries to achieve EU standards and policies. KEP operates on the basis of annual competitions/calls for proposals. It is implemented by funding made available by the CEI Fund at the EBRD, entirely financed by the Italian Government.
The goals of CEI KEP include: