POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Last week, the Closing conference of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme co-financed by the European Union, under the European Neighbourhood Instrument together with the European Cooperation Day, was held in Olsztyn.
The meeting was attended by over 70 participants, including representatives of the Managing Authority, Mr Leszek Buller, Director of the Center for European Projects and the beneficiaries of the projects, implemented on the Polish side of the border. The conference was inaugurated with the speeches delivered by Ms Małgorzata Chętko, representative of the Managing Authority and Mr Leszek Buller, Director of the Center of European Projects.
During the event, a transformation of the Programme due to new geopolitical conditions, was presented by Ms Katarzyna Bartnik, Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat. Afterwards a discussion panel with the participation of the representatives of the cross-border local governments took place. At the end, the participants got acquainted with the cooperation offer within the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027, Interreg Lithuania-Poland Programme 2021-2027, Interreg Baltic Sea Region and transnational cooperation programmes for 2021-2027.
After the substantive part of the meeting, an artistic performance was organised. The performance ‘Closer’ was prepared within the project PR/1/069/2018, implemented in our Programme.
We would like to thank all participants for being with us.
Documents to download:
Transformation of the PLRU Programme (file type: pdf; size: 4,42 MB)
Presentation_Interreg Baltic Sea Region (file type: pdf; size: 8,86 MB)
Presentation_Interreg South Baltic (file type: pdf; size: 1,04 MB)