POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Last month, the construction works, including the renovation of the roof of the historic Podzamcze building - eastern wing(Outer Castle), which is the seat of the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg, were finished.
The Podzamcze building houses 5 permanent exhibitions presenting the history of the city and the region. There are also collection warehouses and research laboratories here. As part of the investment, damaged formwork elements and the entire roof covering of the facility were replaced. The roof slope of the second floor and the dormers were insulated, new flashings were installed and the gutters were completed. The works were carried out by the Elbląg company Brodziak Budownictwo. As a result, the historic building, which is one of the few spatial and construction relics of the former Teutonic castle complex, was secured and the museum collections located in the building gained appropriate storage conditions. In the facility and its surroundings it is also possible to conduct cultural, educational activities or activities related to the popularisation of the region's cultural heritage.
The renovation of the Podzamcze roof was the last stage of the modernisation process of the Elbląg museum, initiated in 2007. In the years 2007-2012, design documentation for the investment was developed and financial resources were obtained from the European Union for the renovation of one of the buildings and the courtyard. Then, in 2016, the first stage of renovation of the southern wing of the Podzamcze building was completed with the support of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. In 2017-2018, the Gymnasium building was renovated and work in the southern wing was completed. Funds for this purpose came from the Regional Operational Program of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Only this year was it possible to obtain funding to complete the modernisation process, i.e. to renovate the roof of Podzamcze, as part of the project named "Museums over the borders. Stage II", co-financed by the European Union from the European Neighbourhood Instrument. As one can easily calculate, the entire process took 16 years.
The finalisation of the museum infrastructure modernisation process is the most valuable birthday gift for the institution on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, which falls in March 2024.