POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020

European Union

Privacy policy

The Center of European Projects attaches particular importance to respecting the privacy of users visiting this site.

Personal Data Administrator

The Administrator of Personal Data processed on this website is the Director of the Center of European Projects based in Warsaw 02-672 at Domaniewska 39A Street, tel. +48 22 378 31 00, e-mail: [email protected], website: http://www.cpe.gov.pl

Use of data

The www.plru.eu website uses the so-called cookies and personal data that can be stored in the system logs. Processing of such collected data takes place with the consent of the persons they concern, in accordance with the law, in a manner that guarantees their safety. The Personal Data Administrator may process personal data for the purposes of: ensuring proper service of website users, evidence, statistical and specified in the section "Internal Area Sign In" and communication with users who have given their consent.

Data collection

We store HTTP queries directed to our server on the website. This means that we know the public IP addresses from which users browse the information content of our website. The browsed resources are identified by URL addresses. We also know:

  • HTTP request arrival time,
  • HTTP page response time,
  • name of the client station - identification performed by the HTTP protocol,
  • information about errors that occurred during the execution of the HTTP transaction,
  • URL address of the page previously visited by the user (referrer link) - in the case when the website page was accessed via a link,
  • information about the user's browser.

Collected data are not associated with specific persons browsing the pages of the Joint Technical Secretariat with the reservation referred to in the section " Internal Area Sign In ". To ensure the highest quality of the website, we collect data in statistical purposes.

The mechanism of Cookies on the site

The Cookies mechanism is not used to obtain any information about users of the website or to track their navigation. Cookies used on the website do not store users' personal data.
For this site, we store the following Cookies, which are created and exist only at the specified time. They are necessary for the proper functioning of individual elements of the website.
Stores the numeric value used by the counter of visited page

What kind of cookies do the www.plru.eu website use?

The website www.plru.eu uses session cookies, persistent cookies and cookies (LSO - Local Shared Objects). Session cookies are temporary cookies or unique identifiers that are associated with the user's browser during his visit at the www.plru.eu website. Persistent cookies remain in the browser even after its closed and can be used by the browser for subsequent visits on the website.

Cookies (LSO - Local Shared Objects) are cookies created using Adobe's Flash technology. These files are saved on the computer in the same way as other cookies, but there is no possibility to manage them from the browser in the same way.

Links to other websites

The website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites. We urge you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy set out thereafter. The current privacy policy applies only to this website.

Register to the website

An exception to the above principles is the registration of users on the site. Personal data used during logging in is processed for the purposes for which the service was prepared and for archiving.
With respect to entities and persons who have used the registration service on the website, the following personal data are recorded:

  • name,
  • surname,
  • e-mail address,

In addition, for each person registered on the site, an access password is registered. In relation to persons or entities to whom messages are sent to indicated mailboxes, information about computer IP addresses as well as the date and time of reading messages is recorded. At the same time, the server logs record the IP number of the computer from which the connection was made and the date and time of performing this operation, and a notification that the information has been read.The information contained in logs, recording information on reading sent messages, are used to determine that the information sent to the recipient has been correctly delivered and consequently is recorded on the site.

User's consent

The user consents to access to information stored on his device (computer, telephone, etc.) or storage of cookies from the current page on his end device, using the settings of the software installed by him.
WARNING! In many cases, software used for browsing websites (web browser) allows cookies to be stored in the user's end device by default. Website users can change their cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser's settings or to inform them of each insertion of the portal in the user's device. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the software (web browser) settings. It is worth remembering that restrictions on the use of Cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the portal's websites.
Below you will find how you can change the settings regarding the use of cookies in popular web browsers.

Internet Explorer

Configuration possible after opening the tab: Privacy.
In the browser menu, select: Tools> Options> Privacy> select the appropriate settings.

Mozilla Firefox

Configuration possible after opening the tab: Privacy
In the browser menu, select: Tools> Options> Privacy> select the appropriate settings.

Google Chrome

You have to click on the menu (in the upper right corner) then Google Chrome Settings and the item: Settings> Show advanced settings> in the "Privacy" section you have to click the "Content settings" button> choose the appropriate settings.


In case of changes in the current privacy policy, appropriate modifications to the above-mentioned provision will be made.


HTTP request arrival time – determines how long the web server obtains the user's request for information, eg the desired web page.
HTTP page response time – specifies the time in which the web server responded to the user's request.
HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) – protocol for sending hypertext documents is a  protocol WWW (World Wide Web)
SSL protocol – a protocol used for secure transmission of an encrypted data stream.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) –  means a unified format for addressing resources (information, data, services) used on the Internet and in local networks. The URL is most often associated with web addresses, but this addressing format is used to identify all resources available on the Internet.
Navigation on the website – moving, passing the user between individual websites in a given website.
Session – it is in information technology object, which for a certain time store the details of the connection with the client on the server. The characteristic feature of the session is that the data assigned to it is usually temporary, volatile (as opposed to eg preferences assigned to the client's account). Session data is stored in Cookie files or in the URL.
Session Cookie – is created and occurs at a specific time, only for the time the site is visited by the user. Closing the browser window with the site page deletes the created file.
Automatic script – it is a program code that automatically browses and retrieves information from, for example, websites.

Privacy policy

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