POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Training events for applicants – 1st Call for Proposals in the Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020
General information about the 1st Call for Proposals_EN (file type: pdf; size: 2,08 MB)
Output and result indicators_EN (file type: pdf; size: 2,53 MB)
Cost eligibility criteria and budget_EN (file type: pdf; size: 1,25 MB)
Public procurements for Polish beneficiaries_PL (file type: pdf; size: 836 KB)
Public procurements for Russian beneficiaries_RU (file type: pdf; size: 751 KB)
Practical workshops regarding preparation of the application forms in the on-line generator
Output and result indicators_EN (file type: pdf; size: 943 KB)
Project Budget_EN (file type: pdf; size:1,84 MB)
Partnership Agreement and Grant Contract_EN (file type: pdf; size: 765 KB)