About the Programme
The main objective of the Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 is to support cross-border cooperation in the social, environmental, economic and institutional sphere.
Within the Poland-Russia CBC Programme support can be obtained by applicants, who are legal persons established in the Programme area or by the international organizations with a base of operations in the Programme area. The European grouping of territorial cooperation may be beneficiary, regardless its place of establishment, provided that its geographic coverage is within the Programme area. Each project shall involve at least two beneficiaries: 1 from Poland and 1 from Russian Federation.
Programme budget
The total Programme co-financig amounts to 62 298 477 EUR. The financial allocation consisting of the European Regional Development Fund (20 652 617 EUR), European Neighbourhood Instrument (20 993 243 EUR) and Russian Federation contribution to the Programme (20 652 617 EUR). No grant may exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the project.
Thematic objectives
The Programme focuses on four thematic objectives selected from a list attached to the Programming Document for EU suport to ENI Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020. Within the Programme the following thematic objectives were chosen: TO 3 Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage, TO 6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation, TO 7 Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate proof transport and communications networks and systems.
Programme Priorities
The Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has set four priorities that reflect the selected Thematic Objectives of the Programme:
- Cooperating on historical, natural and cultural heritage for their preservation and cross-border development.
- Cooperation for the clean natural environment in the cross-border area.
- Accessible regions and sustainable cross-border transport and communication.
Proposed indicative actions within particular priorities
Priority 1: Cooperating on historical, natural and cultural heritage for their preservation and cross-border development
- Joint initiatives and events regarding promotion and preservation of local culture, history and natural heritage;
- Joint projects to support, promote and preserve the traditional crafts and skills;
- Joint projects concerning preparation and realization of investments in tourist infrastructure and services increasing the sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage in the tourism including complementary tourist infrastructure to facilitate the use of cultural, historical and natural heritage (e.g. cycle routes, water tourism trails, nature trails, educational paths, signage, infrastructure for people with special needs, etc.), development of recreational areas;
- Joint creation of tourist products respecting the need to protect cultural, historical and natural heritage; joint projects stimulating cooperation between institutions in the field of historical, cultural and natural heritage e.g. management of natural heritage, development of joint tourism products and services, marketing of the heritage resources (exchange of best practices and other related capacities);
- Conservation, preservation and adaptation or development of cultural, historical or natural heritage for tourism purposes and social, cultural, educational and other community purposes;
- Joint training of staff and exchange of staff aiming at increase of capacities in the field of cultural or natural heritage management, development of joint tourism products and services, marketing of the heritage resources of the Programme area and other related capacities;
- Preservation, restoration and reconstruction of properties of cultural and historical heritage, monuments and their surroundings;
- Preparation and development of analyses, research studies, strategies and programmes for the conservations of cultural heritage;
- Creation of systems of cultural information;
- Conservation of natural heritage of common ecological and cultural value, e.g.: reserves, national parks, etc.
Priority 2: Cooperation for the clean natural environment in the cross-border area.
- Joint projects regarding preservation and sustainable use of natural assets such as parks, water supplies etc.;
- Cross-border cooperation to protect valuable ecosystems and endangered species;
- Development of the infrastructure for water treatment, waste management, preventing and reducing pollution (including air pollution) in the cross-border area, e.g. construction/modernization of equipment for water supply and wastewater treatment, creation/modernization of systems for collection of waste and recycling, ecological waste keeping, etc.;
- Joint projects on water resources management in connection with climate changes (floods, droughts, water shortages);
- Joint projects on sustainable management, protection and use of freshwater resources;
- Joint monitoring of the environmental conditions (air, water) for better environmental protection;
- Revitalization of polluted areas and areas posing threat for environment, including degraded areas;
- Joint projects supporting energy saving and increase of use of renewable sources of energy (solar, water, wind, biomass) at local/regional level;
- Joint trainings, meetings and exchange of knowledge projects of public services addressing common climate challenges (forest fires, floods, droughts, heavy snowfalls, strong winds);
- Joint actions for protection of coastal areas, including efficient management of the Baltic Sea and its resources;
- Joint development of strategies, skills and cooperation between local and regional authorities in the field of natural assets (such as parks, water supplies etc.) management;
- Joint trainings, meetings and exchange of best practices between local and regional authorities in the field of environmental protection;
- Joint actions aimed at preventing and mitigation of the effects of climate changes in agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors;
- Support of joint actions taken in response to threats to human health caused by climate changes and pollution (emergency situations, climate-related diseases or health hazards);
- Developing spatial development plans, common strategies, crisis management systems, monitoring and warning systems for the cross-border area in connection with climate challenges and adaptation to climate change;
- Preparation of analyses, researches, environmental studies, strategies which help to deal with cross border challenges regarding water condition improvement as well as projects concerning the development of infrastructure related with environment protection.
Priority 3: Accessible regions and sustainable cross-border transport and communication
- Joint investments in the quality and accessibility of the social and economic infrastructure;
- Common development of multi-modal transport systems;
- Joint developing and improving the quality and safety of existing communication links;
- Joint preparation of feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and technical documentation for transport systems;
- Joint initiatives on promotion of the sustainable passenger and freight transport;
- Common projects on improvement of the mobility of persons and goods;
- Developing and improving environmentally friendly low-carbon transport systems (including reducing noise level);
- Joint initiatives on development and improvement of the quality of existing ICT infrastructure;
- Joint projects on preparation of feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and technical documentation related to creation of broadband networks;
- Common creation of broadband networks.