POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Gizycko Municipality (Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship)
Administration of Sovetsk District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Total value of the project
1 947 652.67 €
Co-financing for the project
1 752 887.40 €
Project duration:
24 months
Project partners set themselves the goal of increasing the living standard of the inhabitants and economic development of the region based on the use of the potential of historical and natural heritage in the field of tourism. The project will be directed to the tourists visiting Giżycko and Sovetsk as well as to the local population who will find new jobs in a tourism sector. The project implementation will have a cross-border character, necessary to promote the valuable cultural, historical and natural heritage of the border areas. The project foresees renovation works on the Carnot Wall (part of the Boyen Fortress in Giżycko) and installation of lightening along a section of the Carnot Wall. Moreover, a construction of bicycle and walking paths in Giżycko (around the Boyen Fortress) and in Sovetsk (around the town lake) with a total length of 9.6 km will be created.