POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Rybno Commune (Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship)
Administration of the Gusev City District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Municipal Services Department in Rybno Ltd. (Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship)
Total value of the project
2 191 070.00 €
Co-financing for the project
1 970 199.00 €
Project duration:
24 months
The main goal of the project is to counteract the problems caused by insufficient sanitary infrastructure in the rural areas of the Rybno Commune and the Gusev District. The poor quality of the wastewater systems cause contamination to the ground, groundwater and surface water of the rivers in the Pregola (Angrapa, Pisa) and Vistula (Drwęca, Wel, Hartowieckie Lake) catchments, which flow into the Vistula Lagoon.
In response to the need to eliminate pollution of natural water reservoirs with municipal sewage, the construction of sanitary infrastructure is planned to be carried out within the project. The construction works include the extension of the sanitary sewage system in the Rybno Commune to the villages of Dębień and Hartowiec with the total length of 11.9 km and the construction of a sewage network with the total
length of 4.6 km with a sewage treatment plant in Prioziornoje in the Gusev District.
The project also includes a laboratory research service on the possibilities of effective management of sewage sludge from small wastewater treatment plants, i.e. composting with the use of components available for both beneficiaries. A webinar and an online course on water saving and other pro-environmental activities planned as part of the soft activities will be conducted to increase the environmental awareness of the inhabitants.