POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Zalewo Commune (Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship)
Administration of the Bagrationovsk City District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Total value of the project
1 405 499.18 €
Co-financing for the project
1 264 949.26 €
Project duration:
24 months
The main aim of the project is to increase the number of households that will be connected to a newly built sewage system and supplied with good quality water through the renovated water supply network. It is an important undertaking for the protection of the environment, as the construction of the sewage system will contribute to the improvement of the purity of groundwater by eliminating small septic tanks.
On the Polish side, in the Zalewo Commune, a sanitary sewage system Dobrzyki – Zalewo – Półwieś will be built with the total length of 14.4 km, along with the renovation of water supply connections in Dobrzyki. The Russian partner will develop 12 sets of technical documentation for 15 villages, which will allow in the future to provide modernised sewage systems for the residents of the Bagrationovsk District.
Apart from the infrastructural part, the project also includes soft activities in the form of two trainings on environmental protection dedicated to the inhabitants of the project area.