POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Ostaszewo Commune (Poland, Pomorskie voivodeship)
Administration of the Chernyakhovsk City District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Total value of the project
1 891 495.76 €
Co-financing for the project
1 696 868.06 €
Project duration:
24 months
The main objective of the project is to reduce the negative impact of the sewage treatment plants in Ostaszewo and Chernyakhovsk on the natural environment. The implementation of the project will increase the capacity and efficiency of sewage treatment facilities and reduce the groundwater pollution in the cross-border area.
The scope of the project includes liquidation of the existing treatment plant and construction of a new biological sewage treatment plant with a pumping station in Ostaszewo. On the Russian side, the activities concern 3 compact sewage treatment plants with sewage pumping stations that will be constructed in the settlements of Kamenskoye, Mezhdurechie and Privolnoye (in the Chernyakhovsk District). All places of the planned investments are located in the catchment areas of the rivers – the Vistula (in the Ostaszwo Commune) and the Pregola (in the Chernyakhovsk District), which flow into the Vistula Lagoon. Therefore, the construction of modern sewage treatment plants in the project will contribute to limiting the existing sources of contamination of natural water reservoirs with municipal wastewater.
Moreover, the population of the Ostaszewo Commune and the Chernyakhovsk District will also benefit from the project soft activities aimed at exchanging of environmental know-how and expertise, which include conferences and workshops. The joint efforts of the project partners in relation to the infrastructural works and the events will pave the way for solving the same environmental problems that affect the beneficiaries on both sides of the border.