POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Puńsk Municipality (Poland, Podlaskie voivodeship)
Bakałarzewo Municipality (Poland, Podlaskie voivodeship)
Filipów Municipality (Poland, Podlaskie voivodeship)
Administration of the Svetlogorsk City District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Total value of the project
2 639 023.08 €
Co-financing for the project
2 375 120.77 €
Project duration:
24 months
The main objective of this project is to improve transport integrity and increase the level of road safety of the borderland areas (Puńsk, Bakałarzewo and Filipów Municipalities as well as the Svetlogorsk District) through development of the road infrastructure.
The project infrastructure activities on the Russian side cover the reconstruction of the roads with the total length of 10.6 km in Svetlogorsk as well as in the villages of Donskoe and Primorye (the Svetlogorsk District). On the Polish side, local roads in 3 communes will be reconstructed: Bakałarzewo Municipality (4.2 km), Filipów Municipality (2.1 km) and Puńsk Municipality (4.9 km). Altogether, 21.8 km of the roads will be reconstructed.
Moreover, the added value of the project is going to be ensured by several soft actions: a conference on the safety of pedestrians as road users, a competition regarding safety of cyclists on the roads (including the elements of premedical first aid to injured cyclists) as well as an auto-race of retro cars.