POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
Lead beneficiary:
Regional Cultural Center in Olecko "Mazury Garbate" (Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship)
Administration of the Gusev City
District (Russia, Kaliningrad Oblast)
Total value of the project
403 443.00 €
Co-financing for the project
361 978.70 €
Project duration:
21 months
Main objective of the project is development of festival tourism and economic growth in the Polish-Russian cross-border region. Olecko and Gusev are towns with an artistic potential which is proven by cultural activities of each of the partners. Unfortunately, without an attractive offer and modern cultural amenities, the potential is invisible. Interesting cultural offer will allow promoting the Polish-Russian border region. Partners plan to create a new cross-border tourist product – 1st interdisciplinary Polish-Russian Festival “Magic of the North” consisting of two parts to be organised on both sides of the border. Also, the reconstruction works at the premises of the Regional Cultural Center in Olecko (adaptation for the needs of the Cross-border Academy of Arts) are planned. The project is directed to the population of the Kaliningrad Region and Warmińsko-Mazurskie Region as well as local and incoming tourist.